One of my dearest friends, Jenny, and her husband, Scott, had a baby girl, Grace Catherine, on August 20...just shy of sharing her birthday with me - couldn't you have waited 5 more days, Jen?! Kidding! LOL! I haven't met her, but I love her already!! I took Jenny's maternity pictures at the end of June when I flew up to Louisville to host her baby shower with Anna. So, why haven't I posted these until now?? Because I couldn't share her name, and as you can see, her name became a part of the shoot! And, it was really random that I was "privileged" to know her name.
When I visited Jenny in Louisville about 7-8 months ago, she shared her great news that she was expecting. She, Anna and I just started chatting about possible names and we pretty much knew what the boy and girl names were. So, I've been able to get little things for Jenny here and there that had her monogram or name on it! :) We've planned everything so perfectly that I will be photographing this darling at 15 days old. If you know me and my newborn schedule, you know that I MUST photograph before the baby reaches 2 weeks...well, 15 days will have to suffice considering I booked my ticket several weeks ago!